The Hamel Happy Hour

Friday, September 7, 2012


I dunno if every military wife goes through this but PCS'ing or permanent change of is super not my favorite.   Moving is no big deal, I mean it sucks but I think in the last five or six years I've moved eight times.  Throw my stuff in boxes and then drive to the next place, unload and unpack and done.

Unless the military moves you.   Our circumstance is probably pretty different from a lot of folks in the service.  I live with my parents and so my whole former apartment is in one room with wedding gifts and larger art supplies in the storage space.   Having most of an apartment ( especially an artist/crafter's) in one room isn't ideal anyway, but I have a tendency to always be crafting, so my supplies are more stashed than anything else.

But other people will be moving me and touching my glue gun and ATG gun and my beads and my markers and my sketchbooks...thinking about it seriously churns my stomach.  However, I've read a bunch of advice from many many ladies who have gone a head of me and they all say that you can't document your stuff enough.  The kitchen was easy. Plates.  New in the box.  Mixer. New in the box...yadda yadda.  

I've counted and listed every marker and colored pencil.  I'm listing every brand and color and type of paint. And with my bead hoard (years of collecting) I've numbered each box and I'm in the process of counting and  giving a description of each bead within the box, and this is after I have taken a picture of the box with the number and the content of each bead box.  Disgusting.  

In other news, looking at German apartments is nigh unto porn.  Every apartment has really a nice bathroom and a huge tub... and they all have these amazing little details, like the painted over hearth from a century ago, hard wood floors that meet beautiful free form rock tile in the kitchen.

So Excite!

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