It's no secret that I am not a great photographer, so please forgive that. This is my first watercolor in a long time, so forgive that too :)
This is also my second animal painting, my first one was a unicorn behind Josh Groban on my bedroom wall, but that is beside the point. All in all I like the was and the ghost-y effect of the branches, but the feathers got a little muddled and I am hesitant to do any more work on it because watercolor is super good at one strike you're out. The more I look at it the more I notice it lacks depth, but I pretty much only had instruction in high school and not much practice at watercolor, but I think it will come in time.
I also took all of my art of Facebook, which is silly because most people want to get their art out to the world. I guess the older I am the more personal I'm becoming. I can be a bit more personal about the art piece in a blog versus a little blip about on Facebook. I don't do this for anyone else but me, and while I have done work for other people it has been for the most part free.
Our landlord dropped by last night and commented on it, he asked if it was a Kingfisher, I replied no that it was some sort of Bluejay, probably from the East Coast, and he replies in his accented English. " Wow. I hauf never seen one of deese birds." Which got me thinking, that I could probably paint a picture of a Jackalope and convince him that we have them in the States in the Midwest somewhere.
Lastly, I did this bluebird in part for, or inspired by my Dad...who I will always associate with Bluejays.
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