The Hamel Happy Hour

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Big Change

My husband and I have talked about it, and we have decided to switch over to the "Paleo" lifestyle.   It's sort of halfway weightlifter's diet, halfway raw food.   A big factor for me deciding to switch was my good friend * Randy.  He wasn't a fat guy just a little pudgy and he decided to make the dietary switch he recently posted pictures and the change is pretty significant.

I myself am I little pudgy, I have a muffin top... and the beginning of bingo wings.  And while I work out 4-5 days a week any nutritionist/dietitian will tell you that most of the way your body looks depends on your nutrition.

Also most diets or meal plans marketed to women suck.   Everything label "low-fat" tastes like garbage and I would rather get a canker sore than eat egg whites on a rye cracker.  No way, not once, not NEVER.

I'm excited because I feel like I'm not actually denying myself all that much and that once we finally make the full transition that I'm really going to start noticing a change in my body, not just the outside, but that I'm going to actually feel better.  I'll be sharing recipes that pass the Elena taste test because nobody wants to switch to a lifestyle with gross food.

* His name is changed to protect his privacy

1 comment:

  1. Tucker Max does paleo. I really like the idea because I myself like to think I'm a velociraptor and so I should eat what a velociraptor would eat. However, the guidelines were pretty strict. No grains and dairy is easy, but no meat out of a box?! Fresh only?! Not only do I not know how to cook most meats and also do not have time, but that shit would rot before I ever got to it.
